Future Intelligent Leadership Podcast: Exploring Foresight and Leadership for an AI-Augmented World

Episode 30: Network Weaving & Digital Paradox with Jeff Piontek and Daniel Pesut

Tyler Mongan with Jeff Piontek and Daniel Pesut Season 2 Episode 30

Episode 30: Network Weaving & Digital Paradox with Jeff Piontek and Daniel Pesut

About Jeff Piontek

Jeff is the Vice President of Global Business Development at Perfection Learning. He is an education expert working around the world building experiences that engage students and empower them for success. His core passion is in the areas of STEM/STEAM. (Science Technology Engineering and ARTS and Mathematics) and enhancing it (logically) with the "R" for reading because, if you can't read you will be challenged to be successful in every phase of life. Jeff is committed to being a resource to his business partners, colleagues/contacts and friends, with a professional motto of "If I can't help you, I know someone who can."

About Daniel Pesut 

Professor Emeritus at University of Minnesota. He is an Innovative Nurse Educator, Academic Career Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Organizational Consultant, Futurist, and Trusted Advisor. He is Skilled in helping people create desired futures with creativity, innovation, and foresight. Committed to the future of nursing and health care through development of foresight leadership, Daniel Influences and educates the next generation health care leaders to reason with critical, creative, complexity, strategic, systems, and integral thinking skills. 

About this Episode

If you are interested in exploring the timezone paradox, the challenges of quality online education, why we need at least 20% of the people in the world to be futurists, how to close to triangle for global network weaving, the future of education in a digital world and why “You cannot know where you are going until you know where you have been” then this episode is for you. Let’s listen

Find out more about "Accelerating Leadership Future Intelligence " at http://www.haku.global 

Opening music "Breath in" by Drew Henmi: www.drewhenmimusic.com